all prices incl. 7% VAT
Our "Please-more-of-this-coffee" is the perfect introduction for beginners venturing into the specialty coffee world. It's an addictive brew that caters to anyone with a love for coffee. With its full-bodied, robust flavor profile complemented by nuanced notes of wine and red fruits, it offers a delightful sensory experience. The beans undergo a slightly longer but gentle roast, resulting in delicate caramelization. This versatile Omniroast is equally enjoyable whether brewed as a filter coffee or espresso.
The Pechinegro is a hummingbird species endemic to Ecuador, found only in the temperate forests of the western flank of the Pichincha volcano and the Atacazo sector, between 2800 and 3500 meters altitude. Due to its limited geographic distribution, the little fellow is classified as endangered (EN). The future of this bird depends on the conservation of the last protected remnants of temperate Andean forest west of the Pichincha volcano. On June 23, 2005, the Quito City Council designated this species of hummingbird as an emblem of the city.
Valentina, as a biologist, artist, and facilitator, finds her passion in the art of movement. Her deep connection to the human, animal, and plant world inspires her artistic creation and inner growth. In 2018, she discovers the world of clay and founds Quitensis, a place that unleashes her creative energy and gives her a new life purpose. She sees art as a healing tool and offers workshops that encompass not only pottery classes but also movement, meditation, music, and playful interaction with clay. Her love for Pachamama, the feminine strength, and nature permeates her entire artistic and unique work.
Valentina, als Biologin, Künstlerin und Facilitatorin, findet in der Bewegungskunst ihre Passion. Ihre tiefe Verbundenheit zur menschlichen, tierischen und pflanzlichen Welt inspiriert sie zu künstlerischem Schaffen und innerem Wachstum. Im Jahr 2018 entdeckt sie die Welt des Tons und gründet Quitensis, ein Ort, der ihre kreative Energie entfesselt und ihr ein neues Lebensziel schenkt. Sie sieht Kunst als Heilmittel und bietet Workshops an, die nicht nur Keramikkurse, sondern auch Bewegung, Meditation, Musik und spielerischen Umgang mit Ton umfassen. Ihre Liebe zur Pachamama, zur weiblichen Kraft und zur Natur durchdringt ihr gesamtes künstlerisches und einzigartiges Schaffen.
Habitat Forest is located in an isolated area surrounded by waterfalls, rivers, and forests, Habitat Forest Farm encompasses a landscape dominated by native trees and lush forests, fostering a rich biological diversity of flora and fauna.
all prices incl. 7% VAT
Our "Please-more-of-this-coffee" is the perfect introduction for beginners venturing into the specialty coffee world. It's an addictive brew that caters to anyone with a love for coffee. With its full-bodied, robust flavor profile complemented by nuanced notes of wine and red fruits, it offers a delightful sensory experience. The beans undergo a slightly longer but gentle roast, resulting in delicate caramelization. This versatile Omniroast is equally enjoyable whether brewed as a filter coffee or espresso.
The Pechinegro is a hummingbird species endemic to Ecuador, found only in the temperate forests of the western flank of the Pichincha volcano and the Atacazo sector, between 2800 and 3500 meters altitude. Due to its limited geographic distribution, the little fellow is classified as endangered (EN). The future of this bird depends on the conservation of the last protected remnants of temperate Andean forest west of the Pichincha volcano. On June 23, 2005, the Quito City Council designated this species of hummingbird as an emblem of the city.
Valentina, as a biologist, artist, and facilitator, finds her passion in the art of movement. Her deep connection to the human, animal, and plant world inspires her artistic creation and inner growth. In 2018, she discovers the world of clay and founds Quitensis, a place that unleashes her creative energy and gives her a new life purpose. She sees art as a healing tool and offers workshops that encompass not only pottery classes but also movement, meditation, music, and playful interaction with clay. Her love for Pachamama, the feminine strength, and nature permeates her entire artistic and unique work.
Valentina, als Biologin, Künstlerin und Facilitatorin, findet in der Bewegungskunst ihre Passion. Ihre tiefe Verbundenheit zur menschlichen, tierischen und pflanzlichen Welt inspiriert sie zu künstlerischem Schaffen und innerem Wachstum. Im Jahr 2018 entdeckt sie die Welt des Tons und gründet Quitensis, ein Ort, der ihre kreative Energie entfesselt und ihr ein neues Lebensziel schenkt. Sie sieht Kunst als Heilmittel und bietet Workshops an, die nicht nur Keramikkurse, sondern auch Bewegung, Meditation, Musik und spielerischen Umgang mit Ton umfassen. Ihre Liebe zur Pachamama, zur weiblichen Kraft und zur Natur durchdringt ihr gesamtes künstlerisches und einzigartiges Schaffen.
Habitat Forest is located in an isolated area surrounded by waterfalls, rivers, and forests, Habitat Forest Farm encompasses a landscape dominated by native trees and lush forests, fostering a rich biological diversity of flora and fauna.
all prices incl. 7% VAT
Our "Please-more-of-this-coffee" is the perfect introduction for beginners venturing into the specialty coffee world. It's an addictive brew that caters to anyone with a love for coffee. With its full-bodied, robust flavor profile complemented by nuanced notes of wine and red fruits, it offers a delightful sensory experience. The beans undergo a slightly longer but gentle roast, resulting in delicate caramelization. This versatile Omniroast is equally enjoyable whether brewed as a filter coffee or espresso.
The Pechinegro is a hummingbird species endemic to Ecuador, found only in the temperate forests of the western flank of the Pichincha volcano and the Atacazo sector, between 2800 and 3500 meters altitude. Due to its limited geographic distribution, the little fellow is classified as endangered (EN). The future of this bird depends on the conservation of the last protected remnants of temperate Andean forest west of the Pichincha volcano. On June 23, 2005, the Quito City Council designated this species of hummingbird as an emblem of the city.
Habitat Forest is located in an isolated area surrounded by waterfalls, rivers, and forests, Habitat Forest Farm encompasses a landscape dominated by native trees and lush forests, fostering a rich biological diversity of flora and fauna.
all prices incl. 7% VAT
Our "Please-more-of-this-coffee" is the perfect introduction for beginners venturing into the specialty coffee world. It's an addictive brew that caters to anyone with a love for coffee. With its full-bodied, robust flavor profile complemented by nuanced notes of wine and red fruits, it offers a delightful sensory experience. The beans undergo a slightly longer but gentle roast, resulting in delicate caramelization. This versatile Omniroast is equally enjoyable whether brewed as a filter coffee or espresso.
The Pechinegro is a hummingbird species endemic to Ecuador, found only in the temperate forests of the western flank of the Pichincha volcano and the Atacazo sector, between 2800 and 3500 meters altitude. Due to its limited geographic distribution, the little fellow is classified as endangered (EN). The future of this bird depends on the conservation of the last protected remnants of temperate Andean forest west of the Pichincha volcano. On June 23, 2005, the Quito City Council designated this species of hummingbird as an emblem of the city.
Habitat Forest is located in an isolated area surrounded by waterfalls, rivers, and forests, Habitat Forest Farm encompasses a landscape dominated by native trees and lush forests, fostering a rich biological diversity of flora and fauna.